Tuesday, February 1, 2011

This We Believe Pgs. 27-33

This part of the book was about leaders, and how effective leaders run a middle school.  I think this was a good chapter to include in the book.  Sometimes, the principal is the person who the community most associates with the school; even more so than teachers sometimes.  So it's important that a principal knows how to lead his school.  It's also very important that teachers and the principal be on the same page in terms of education.  Because if the teachers and principal aren't on the same page, then the school will suffer.


  1. Cool site on effective leaders. I like how this link is short and concise and yet gives 3 big points that makes the leaders effective. Since I am finishing up being a team leader within my group, this is a nice site to help me reflect on.

  2. Effective leadership can make all the difference in the world. Coming in as a new teacher, I hope to look to veteran teachers as leaders within the school, but also to the principal for support and guidance. Additionally, as Dr. Grace mentioned, there can be so much creativity and many good ideas when you involve everyone.
