Monday, May 2, 2011

MMM Chapter 6

This chapter was about Accountability.  One part of the chapter that I really liked was this quote, "Instead of letting students complete additional projects to raise their grades, ask them to revise their additional work based on the standards outlined in your rubric or the comments written in the margins of their papers."  In my opinion, as a teacher, there is a reason why you assign certain assignments.  That reason is that you want students to learn what the assignment is on.  If you let students get a bad grade, and then you let a student do a different assignment later in the year, then they won't learn what you originally wanted them to.  Why not let a student revise their work?  In classes such as English and History classes, we let students revise papers, so why not let them revise other work too?  If we let students revise work, then they will learn the material a lot better.  And that's the final goal right?  To get students to learn the material?  I'm all for creative ways to get students to learn material.  The most common way to hold students accountable for learning material is tests.  And I think that's boring.  We need more creative ways to get students to learn!

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